Friday, October 17, 2008


"Out In The Bush!

Last week I mentioned I had been out in the bush, shutting down Nestor Falls Fly-In Outpost's camps, after a successful, full season of fishermen. Shutting down the camps consists of furious cleaning, painting floors, waxing floors, cleaning boats, pulling them up, moving docks to avoid spring "ice damage", hauling motors back to base, draining water and sewer lines, and also enjoying the outdoors, and "drinking beer". We had a group of 8 people involved to close 9 camps. Our crew was Dave and Michelle Beaushene, Nestor Falls Fly-In Outpost owners, their son Jon, Chief Pilot Dave "Buster" Rudolph, Otter pilot Jon Dahl, Beaver Pilot Matt "Mongolian" Marcil, Buck-85 pilot Guy "McGyver" Jefford, and myself. Sounds like there might be a party there somewhere. Anyways, we loaded the 206, Beaver, and Otter ODK, and we were northbound. Herod Lake would be our base of operations, which is on the Keeper River system, beautiful clear, flowing water. We would stay at "Herod" and branch out each day to clean different camps. We had Avgas stashed at Herod, and Jet Fuel stashed at Keeper Lake. Let's go...........

ODK and DWB tied up for the night after arriving at Herod Lake.......

Herod Lake has been a fishing destination for years, and has seen upgrades. Here is the "original" cabin, still on site.......

Here is cabin #2, which saw years of fishermen and is still on site........

The present camp at Herod Lake.......

The "boardwalk"........

Beaver MDB tied at her makeshift "pontoon" dock........

What will tomorrrow bring?

A "sunrise"..........

Daylight is burning, boys, time to go to work.........

LINK - "Herod Lake"!

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